Friday, December 3, 2010

What is My Skin Type?

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Rethink What 'Skin Type' Means
When it comes to finding out your skin type, the first thing you need to do is forget everything you've heard before! What you've been taught by cosmetics salespeople, aestheticians, fashion magazines, and even some dermatologists, is likely incorrect, confusing, or designed to simply keep you buying more and more products—it all ends here!

7 Reasons Why Your Skin Wrinkles

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What’s Behind Wrinkles?
How your skin ages and wrinkles is a very complex series of events, but the primary factors are:


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胶原蛋白究竟是什么? 胶原蛋白(collagen),简称胶原,是皮肤的主要成分。在皮肤中如一张细密的弹力网,锁住水分,如支架般支撑着皮肤。女性在20岁时胶原蛋白就已开始流失,25岁后进入流失的高峰期。40岁时含量不到18岁的一半。

Anti-Aging Superstars: Ingredients with Real Results

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AHAs and BHA: Take Skin Beyond Smooth
What they do: For all skin types, it is extremely helpful to exfoliate the surface layers of skin. Sun-damaged skin causes the outer layer of skin to become abnormally thick. For those with blemish-prone skin, the outer layer of skin is genetically thicker. Whether you use a product with glycolic or lactic acids, these alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) or salicylic acid (BHA, which is exceptional for normal to oily/combination skin) remove the outer layer of built-up dead skin cells, allowing healthier cells to come to the surface and smoothing the surface, thus eliminating some wrinkling. There also is a good deal of research showing that using a well-formulated AHA product can increase collagen production. AHAs in skin-care products are effective in concentrations ranging from 5% to 15%; salicylic acid is effective in 1% to 2% concentrations.

What's The Difference between AHA and BHA Exfoliants?

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Great question! When properly formulated, both AHAs and BHA are brilliant options for exfoliating the surface of skin, but each has its special qualities you'll want to consider when deciding which one to use: