There are many different ways to achieve shiny hair at home. Whether it comes from a product you can buy in your local drug store, or a product you can find in your own refrigerator, we have the tips to help you out.
1) Cold Water
The first way to improve the shine in your hair is probably the simplest remedy. It is completely free, so you have no excuses not to try it. All you need to use is cold water.
This doesn’t mean you have to freeze yourself in a cold shower though. You can still enjoy a warm shower, just remember at the end to turn the nozzle to cold and do a short blast on your hair. What this does is smoothes and closes the hair’s cuticle, which allows it to reflect light rather than absorbing it, making it look shiny.
2) The Right Shampoo
The second way to perk up your hair’s shine is to pick the right shampoo. Lots of factors can contribute to dryness, such as chemically treating your hair and even something as simple as using a blow dryer. You need to know exactly what to purchase to counteract these problems.
All lines of shampoos and conditioners have an option for color treated hair. By using these, you protect the color from fading and lock in the moisture that the chemicals can remove. The heat that attacks your hair when using a hair dryer removes all the moisture that adds shine.
Again, choosing the right shampoo – in this case, one that is heat activated – can keep your locks polished.
3) Proper Diet
Another way to achieve shiny strands is to have a proper diet. You always hear about the benefits of eating right, but you never hear about the positive effects it can have on your hair. Maintaining a diet rich in oils (most importantly Vitamin E) is essential in getting shiny results.
Some examples of foods that contain Vitamin E are nuts and seeds, asparagus, olives, spinach, and other green leafy vegetables, as well as avocado. Some good choices of oils to include in your diet would be canola, corn, sunflower and soybean oils.
Water is also a key part of your diet for healthy hair. Just like your body needs to be hydrated to stay healthy, your hair does as well.
4) Brush Your Hair
Another really easy way to add shine that we may overlook is just to simply brush your hair. When you wake up in the morning with tousled hair, all you need to do is slide a brush through and instantly you’ve added shine without doing anything. It brings out your natural oils.
One of the top choices would be a brush with boar bristles. The hard bristles will evenly distribute oils from root to tip, and will easily remove unwanted dead hair.
5) Vinegar
For our last tip for adding shine, you’ll need to raid your kitchen cabinets. Vinegar is a great solution to amp up your dull hair. Vinegar helps close the hair cuticles, which as we already learned, helps reflect light.
Any type of vinegar will work, but the most recommended kind would have to be apple cider vinegar. Fill a spray bottle with the vinegar, spray onto wet hair, leave in for a few minutes, and then rinse out thoroughly. If you repeat this a few times a week, you’ll see shimmering results.
Source: Misikko